Contact us
- Visiting address:
- Meents & Bakker
Amsterdamseweg 520 (Google maps)
1181 BX Amstelveen
The Netherlands - Telephone:
- +31 - 20 - 644 39 91
- E-mail:
Opening hours
Our store is open on Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00.
We are closed on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
General terms and conditions
Our general terms and conditions apply to all sales through this website.
Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint regarding an ordered item, you should contact us first.
If we can not reach an agreement together, as a European Consumer you can file a complaint through the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution Platform.
Meents & Bakker, TopHorloges en TopJuwelen are tradenames of M.L.B. Diamonds BV in Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Chamber of Commerce 33208546.